Stray colored feathers in white areas in Satinettes. White feathers in colored areas of Satinettes and in Blondinettes. Nearly white tail in Ash Reds, Ash Yellows, Lavenders and Dilute Lavenders. Peak Crest too low. Mane break (indentation between Peak Crest and mane). Split eye. Crooked keel. Incomplete or irregular tail spots. Incomplete or irregular lacing in the tail. Lack of tail spots or lack of a laced tail. Widely flared tail or scoop tail. Thinly groused legs. Bare toes. True muffs. Long or thin beak. Turbit frontal. Under-developed frill. One colored flight among the white flights in Satinettes, or one white flight among colored flights in Blondinettes. Signs of parasites. Long body or long feathers. Small, narrow, flat or angular head. Coarse eye ceres or wattle. Drooping wing (s), Horizontal station. Narrow breast. Poor color. White thumb feathers or uneven shield. White feathers under the tail in the wedge. Sails. Colored toenails in Satinettes, white toenails in Blondinettes.
Bronze or Sulphur Bar 5 points
Root Beer Bars 5 points
Wild Type Bars (1) 7 points
Solid Color Shield (2) 7 points
Barred Tail with no Moon Spots (3) 7 points
Solid Tail with no Lacing (4) 7 points
Solid Tail with irregular Lacing 5 points
(1) Wild Type bar means there is no Toy stencil or there is only ts3. The result is: Black bars on Blues, Dun bars on Silvers. Brown bars on Browns. Khaki bars on Khakis, Ash Red bars on Ash Reds, Ash Yellow bars on Ash Yellows
(2) Solid colored shield means there is no Toy Stencil
(3) Lack of Moon spots means there is no Oriental Frill Stencil
(4) Lack of Lacing means there is no Oriental Frill Stencil
The goal of the point deductions is to encourage the pursuit of complete Toy Stencil, without sacrificing genetic diversity. Since Toy Stencil has three components, it is easier to breed birds with incomplete Toy Stencil than with complete Toy Stencil. But two imperfect birds, depending on their imperfections, can produce an almost perfect looking bird, so breeders can use these birds as they strive for complete Toy Stencil. . Birds that have long necks, no Gullet and small heads should not be used in the breeding program, as these faults are virtually impossible to correct when they are in a bloodline. The traits listed under Point Deductions improve with appropriate breeding choices. The goal should always be to work toward achieving the proper combination of Toy Stencil (TS) and Frill Stencil (FS). These two mutations are the hallmarks of the Classic Old Frill.
No Frill. No crest. No grouse muffs. White, or substantial white tail. More than one colored flight mixed in with the white flights in Satinettes. More than one white flight mixed in with the colored flights in Blondinettes. Sickness. Live vermin. Deformities. Severely out of condition from dirt, disease or parasites.
General Impression (including Station). Body Form (including Size). Head and Beak. Crest. Neck and Frill. Markings. Color.
General Impression (including Station) 20
Body Form (including Size) 15
Head and Beak 15
Crest 10
Neck and Frill 10
Markings 15
Color 15
Judges may wish to consider grouping specimens, when there are enough birds to do so, in the following manner:
By age (young vs. old)
By sex (hen vs. cock)
Separate barred birds from laced birds
Separate lace tail birds from spot tail birds
Separate by color
Bronze or Sulphur Bar 5 points
Root Beer Bars 5 points
Wild Type Bars (1) 7 points
Solid Color Shield (2) 7 points
Barred Tail with no Moon Spots (3) 7 points
Solid Tail with no Lacing (4) 7 points
Solid Tail with irregular Lacing 5 points
(1) Wild Type bar means there is no Toy stencil or there is only ts3. The result is: Black bars on Blues, Dun bars on Silvers. Brown bars on Browns. Khaki bars on Khakis, Ash Red bars on Ash Reds, Ash Yellow bars on Ash Yellows
(2) Solid colored shield means there is no Toy Stencil
(3) Lack of Moon spots means there is no Oriental Frill Stencil
(4) Lack of Lacing means there is no Oriental Frill Stencil
The goal of the point deductions is to encourage the pursuit of complete Toy Stencil, without sacrificing genetic diversity. Since Toy Stencil has three components, it is easier to breed birds with incomplete Toy Stencil than with complete Toy Stencil. But two imperfect birds, depending on their imperfections, can produce an almost perfect looking bird, so breeders can use these birds as they strive for complete Toy Stencil. . Birds that have long necks, no Gullet and small heads should not be used in the breeding program, as these faults are virtually impossible to correct when they are in a bloodline. The traits listed under Point Deductions improve with appropriate breeding choices. The goal should always be to work toward achieving the proper combination of Toy Stencil (TS) and Frill Stencil (FS). These two mutations are the hallmarks of the Classic Old Frill.
No Frill. No crest. No grouse muffs. White, or substantial white tail. More than one colored flight mixed in with the white flights in Satinettes. More than one white flight mixed in with the colored flights in Blondinettes. Sickness. Live vermin. Deformities. Severely out of condition from dirt, disease or parasites.
General Impression (including Station). Body Form (including Size). Head and Beak. Crest. Neck and Frill. Markings. Color.
General Impression (including Station) 20
Body Form (including Size) 15
Head and Beak 15
Crest 10
Neck and Frill 10
Markings 15
Color 15
Judges may wish to consider grouping specimens, when there are enough birds to do so, in the following manner:
By age (young vs. old)
By sex (hen vs. cock)
Separate barred birds from laced birds
Separate lace tail birds from spot tail birds
Separate by color